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Regular donations

As a dedicated supporter, you can help us fund cutting-edge humane research. 
Your regular donations move us closer to a world where animals are not used in science. Regular giving also means our charity can predict what donations to expect in the months to come. This helps us plan our future work and begin allocating funds to new animal-free research projects.

Learn more about your options for making regular donations.

Set up a standing order

A standing order is a regular payment that comes directly from your bank account. By setting up a standing order, your bank will automatically donate your chosen amount as frequently as you wish.

Donations via standing order are not subject to payment processing fees. This means 100% of your donation will go to us to invest in new research projects if you choose this payment method.

There are several ways you can make a standing order to The Humane Research Trust:
Fill in our donation form
Set up a standing order with your bank
You can request that your bank set up a standing order by filling in our standing order form. Simply complete the online form or download a printable form and post it to us.

If you do not have a printer, please get in touch with us and we will post you a copy of the form for you to fill in and return to us. Once we have received your completed form, we will write to your bank to ask them to set the standing order up.
Alternatively, you can set up your standing order directly with your bank using our bank details:
The Humane Research Trust (Registered Charity No. 1203103)
Royal Bank of Scotland, Account number: 1021 1157, Sort code: 16-14-20
You may be able to do this by speaking to your bank in a local branch, over the phone, or via your bank’s app or online banking. If you use this method, please make sure to complete our Gift Aid form so we know whether we can reclaim tax on your donations.

Enrol in payroll giving

What is payroll giving?

Payroll giving is when the donations you make to charity are taken from your monthly salary before you pay tax on it. Instead of your tax going to HMRC, it goes to the charity. This means that you pay less for a donation, but the charity still receives the full benefit of your pledged donation.

For example

If you are a basic rate taxpayer, you pay 20p in tax for every £1 you earn. If you pledge £10 a month via payroll giving, we will receive the full £10 donation, but it will only cost you £8 from your take-home pay.

The tax-relief is even greater for higher rate and additional rate taxpayers. A £10 monthly donation could cost you as little as £5.50 out of your take-home pay. In addition, some employers will match their employees’ payroll giving, further boosting your donations.

How do I enrol in payroll giving?

Give As You Earn is the UK’s largest payroll giving scheme. If your employer is already registered with the scheme, you can set up your donation to come straight from your salary. Visit the Charities Aid Foundation website to learn more about Give As You Earn.

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